May – English editing.
A modal auxiliary verb with two meanings:  Permission: Thank you, Mrs Prynn, you may leave us now.  Possibility:…
A modal auxiliary verb with two meanings:  Permission: Thank you, Mrs Prynn, you may leave us now.  Possibility:…
The verb phrase in a clause can contain two types of verb: main verbs and auxiliary verbs. If it only…
Main verb can be divided into:  Transitive.  Intransitive.  Linking. Linking verbs are used in sentences such as:…
Like is used as a preposition to show similarity between things: Was it that he looked so much like his…
This adverb has two meanings:  A short time ago: He and his wife have just arrived here.  Only:…
This is an occasion where the use of the apostrophe can cause problems. The rule is as follows: Its: This…
In formal writing it is quite common to begin a sentence with it followed by the Passive form of the…
A verb that does not form its Past tense and Past participle in a regular way. Regular verbs work like…