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What are the most popular reasons editors usually reject your paper for?

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Rejection hurts! Especially if it involved rigorous hard work for a long period of time with many author’s contributions. There can be several reasons for rejection of the manuscript, such as overlooking of journal’s scope, understanding the communications made by the editor can ascertain the reason for failure.

The technical reason for journal Rejection!

  • Plagiarized content in the manuscript

Copying other’s work as own is ethically incorrect. Nowadays, publishing houses are very stringent about the authenticity of the work and take advanced measures to keep it checked prior to the publication of the article.

  • Lack of Authenticity

The editor can reject your article if you have exactly reproduced the work already published. As it shall be boring for the authors and hence not the “cup of tea” for the journal.

  • Inessential Publication

In case you try to publish what u have already published or the majority of work the article quotes your previous work then very likely the editor will reject the paper.

  • Lack of Worldwide significance of the content

The majority of the journal specifies in their aim and scope, regarding the global audience base. Hence, the article should be well framed keeping in mind the worldwide perspective.

  • Multiple submission of the manuscript to different journals

The author should make sure after getting a clear NO from one journal shall opt for other as multiple submission is a potential danger to your reputation and career. Furthermore, is a wastage of the reviewer’s time, also you have delayed someone else’s chances of manuscript assessment.

  • The core component of manuscripts such as materials and methods or results are missing

Each section is equally important as all cords joined can only make a sensible story.

  • Figures and Table are blurred

The data is the evidence of the stated hypothesis.

Hence, following the needed journal’s guidelines in the content of figure, table, graph, chart formatting is crucial for the audience’s clarity.

  • Non-accordance with the journal Guild lines

Journal has guidelines stating the format in which the manuscript should be arranged, be it the font, line and page numbering, or Vancouver style for reference citation. Sometimes, Highlights or graphical abstract is demanded by the journal to accomplish publication. The author should be well aware of the Journal specification and shall abide by it.

  • Manuscript Length

Poor fit with journal guidelines for manuscript length in terms of the type of paper can reject the article. For instance, a research article that should be no more than 5000 words including abstract, main text, and reference should be stringently followed to avoid rejection.

Topic lacks accordance with Journal’s audience

The content in the manuscript does not suit the audience or reader of the journal can lead to journal rejection.

Manuscript interpretation is difficult

Sometimes the author wants to convey his study but lacks the ability to put forward the results or the theme in an appropriate way. Also, the author loses the flow or consistency during the course of execution of research as result the interpretation and correlation among the results to build a story gets distorted.

Lack of concrete hypothesis in the “introduction” of the manuscript

The hypothesis or question behind the work is missing. Very often, the hypothesis doesn’t fit with the content of the paper or is poorly formulated.

Inaccurate data interpretation and result analysis

There can be flaws in the methods and material or the sampling. Significance value and statistical analysis calculation can be incorrect.

Flaws in language, and writing style

Grammatical correct and scientifically appropriate words are critical and important aspects of scientific writing. The idea or theme of the paper along with the results should be presented incorrect language. Peer review by friends, family, and colleagues can contribute in an effective way towards scientific writing. Editing services can be a great help by providing writing assistance. For, instance “Reseapro” a well know client service provider can give a new refreshing look to the manuscript by providing assistance in terms of substantive editing, copy editing, and even rewriting the manuscript. Also,  the decision-making in terms of “what type of correction can make an article get published” is also addressed by taking insights from experienced editors.

Inappropriate referencing style

Formatting of text citation and bibliography of the manuscript needs the following styling guide with a precision of on the dot.

The discussion and conclusion should justify the objectivity of the work

The discussion is the climax of the manuscript. It should justify the objective of the paper by giving a valid and in-context explanation of the results.  Furthermore, should render scope for further research. Conclusion, on the other hand, represents summary in a compact way with specific and context-appropriate information of the manuscript.

Journal is highly selective with plenty of good ones piled up

Sometimes journal already has plenty of good copies lined up and may reject a not so-so work if it has a more promising one on a similar topic. Sometimes, the research submitted is a very common topic and has already been published extensively in recent issues and hence may not be prioritized.

Ethical dispute

Ethical clearance is a must for successful publication. Patient consent forms or documents supporting ethical committee clearance while conducting experiments on animals are highly valued pieces of evidence that speak about the authenticity of the work.

Conclusion: Manuscript Rejection table is governed by multiple factors. A careful and thorough assessment of the editorial communication can render insights toward the needed measures to be taken for attainting authorship.

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