How Open Access Publication is sustainable?

How Open Access Publication is sustainable?

The desire of scientists and academics to report the results of their study in academic journals is an ancient practice. For the sake of investigation and education, articles are published without charge. The internet is the latest technology. Reporting practice and publishing technology is useful for future purposes.

 What is Open Access?

Open Access is the free availability of Research Articles on the public internet, allowing anyone to read, download, print, scan, and use without any difficulties. OA journals are expected to become more prevalent in the academic market in terms of both articles published and journal titles, as the scholarly community around the world accepts OA publication formats.

What are the benefits of open access with Global Sustainability?

  • Articles are immediately available online after they are published, offering them the opportunity for increased exposure and dissemination. Gold open access permits anyone with an internet connection anywhere in the globe to view published research without having to pay a subscription fee.
  • A high-quality scholarly journal can be published at a low cost to the scientific community. Not only is all of the material on the website open to view, but the broad range of media, multilingual content, and unlimited existence of the journal’s copyright license allows for the free flow of scientific communication, which is ultimately beneficial.
  • All contributions will be peer-reviewed by Editorial Board before acceptance. Scientific journal publishers, especially medical publishers, have a duty to ensure that the material they publish is as rigorously peer-reviewed as possible and as easily shareable as possible for scientists and society as a whole.

Seeking Sustainability in OA

  • Varied firms have different aspects, but the majority agree that you must pay for validation, suitable copyediting, presentation, sustainability, and functionality. Publishers are dedicated to ensuring that their material is widely distributed and accessible. Any long-term access options that protect the scholarly record’s integrity and permanence should be supported. They collaborate closely with funders, universities, and governments to make this possible. A subscription-based journal, hybrid publishing choices are examples of such choices.
  • Payment for open access publishing is made upfront via article processing charges (APCs). APCs might be considered as a more equitable payment mechanism if the charges are based on costs that reflect the services delivered.
  • Gold open access is one strategy for achieving our common aim of increasing access to peer-reviewed scientific works and maximizing the value and reuse of scientific research findings. Institutions and donors play an important role in ensuring that public access regulations enable the funding of peer-reviewed publications and service offerings in any journal that an author chooses. Publishers are eager to collaborate with organizations to achieve this goal and enhance scholarly communication.


The researchers, the users, and the funders are all involved in the publication of research. Publishing is a competitive industry. Authors fight for journal space, publishers compete for articles, and library budgets compete with one another. For authors who want to bring the decisions about where to publish and how to pay closer together, Open Access and APCs are a viable option.

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