Is it necessary to publish papers to obtain your PhD?
Publishing paper would be cherry on pie to build an academic career. Publication is a prerequisite for obtaining your PhD.…
Publishing paper would be cherry on pie to build an academic career. Publication is a prerequisite for obtaining your PhD.…
Academic conferences play a significant role in graduate work. It is an event for researchers to present and discuss their…
When scholars choose a topic to work on their research, they need more sources or materials to review literature and…
The objective of copyright law is to provide a legal framework to assure creators of original work that their artistic…
Drafting a good research paper title needs serious thought. Researchers focus so much on their research findings that they tend…
It is very common in the research fraternity to hear discussions going on about the inability to put down their…
The format in which you present your research data is very important because it helps you communicate your data to…
Defining systematic review: A systematic review is a well-planned literature review that basically answers a focused research problem, with pre-defined…