Scientific Reports Impact factor: “riding high”
Our research is usually based on the journal’s impact factor (IF), which denotes the significance of the work published in…
Our research is usually based on the journal’s impact factor (IF), which denotes the significance of the work published in…
Research metrics are applicable for reaching out to complex concepts like impact and quality. An impact factor of a journal…
Professors, as well as students, require peer-reviewed journals while doing research because they provide authentic information. These journals are scholarly…
Some journals may send Co-Authors an email containing deep links to confirm Co-Authorship. Corresponding Authors may also be allowed to…
Rejection from a journal is no one’s cup of tea but then it’s a reality that a large number of…
Writing a good research paper and getting it published depends on many factors. It requires proper planning, preparation, and disciplined…
Every academician wants to publish their articles in high impact journals. This in turn makes it extremely challenging as all…