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Publish your credibility in UGC- CARE Journals

What are UGC-CARE journals?

The story of a research scholar is simple: Work Hard, Earn a fellowship, Join an established lab and do world-class research. But most of the time, scholars fail to comprehend the necessity and struggle to prove the credibility of their work by publishing it in peer-reviewed, reliable journals. To make this daunting task easier for Indian faculty and research scholars and ensure the publishing of Indian academic work in internationally-recognized journals, the University Grant Commission (UGC) established the Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE). Amidst other significant challenges, the primary task of the UGC-CARE is preparing and maintaining the “UGC-CARE Reference List of Quality Journals” or simply the UGC-CARE List.

Why should you publish in UGC-CARE journals?

One might think, “Why do I need to publish a research paper under UGC guidelines?” or “ Do I really need to know how to publish research papers in the UGC-CARE list?”. While everyone is free to publish their work in their choice of journals, publications in globally recognized, credible journals significantly enhance the academic image of the individual, the institution, and the nation. India has an alarmingly high percentage of research articles published in poor-quality journals, tarnishing its academic reputation and global institutional rankings. Therefore, scholars must conscientiously select journals that follow the standard policies decreed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Scholars can easily find such journals on the quarterly-updated, dynamic UGC-CARE List available at https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in.

How to publish in UGC-CARE journals?

Scholars should also conduct their research following the guidelines set up by the UGC in the book “Guidance Document: Good Academic Research Practices” (GARP). Below are some fundamental points a scholar should consider for the increased chance of getting UGC research paper publications:

  • The chosen research topic should be novel, noteworthy, aimed at solving real-world problems, and substantially significant for the discipline.
  • The manuscript’s content and form should conform to the journal’s requirements and guidelines.
  • The study’s rationale must be proper, the subject matter thoroughly treated, and the study design (statistical tests, experiments, controls, etc.) must be cogent and substantial.
  • Clear and concise scientific writing must be followed throughout the manuscript while avoiding duplications or significant overlaps of previous works (plagiarism).
  • The research must be exemplary, with significant results that add to the existing knowledge in the discipline.
  • The accompanying cover letter must be outstanding to reinforce the publication prospects of a manuscript.

Points to consider

  • Scholars should cross-check the prospective journal’s website using the correct ISSN number to avoid cloned sites of listed international journals.
  • Presenting a work at an acclaimed conference or meeting and eliciting a generous response from a highly-intellectual audience increases the chances of a work being noticed by and accepted in a high-impact journal significantly.


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